Welcome to the Cloud of Web3
Reliable RPC
Using load-balancing and a network of fine-tuned RPC nodes, our infrastructure auto-scales with your DApp.
Fault-Tolerant Network
Our intelligent API gateway actively administers our RPC APIs to ensure low latency and high uptime.
Search detailed logs
Every RPC call and its responses are logged in the Syndica platform and available for analysis.
Find a needle in the haystack
Precisely define your search parameters to surface the logs you're looking for.
Trace RPC calls
Perform extensive cohort analysis.
The info you need, at-a-glance
A streamlined UI makes each log easy to digest.
Secure your DApp
Use API Keys to manage and separate access to every piece of your Syndica infrastructure.
Secure your DApp
Use API Keys to manage and separate access to all your Stacks and resources.
Get familiar with your users
Use RPC data to get to know your audience.